Sunday, October 25, 2009

Run, Fatboy, Run

Cute movie. Exactly what I was in the mood for last night. Light, funny, not too much thinking involved, Hank Azaria. Click to keep reading.

We rented a movie for the first time in a very long time last night. We actually rented two, but we haven't watched the other one yet.

Run, Fatboy, Run was a perfect rental for me. It's something I missed in the theaters and it's just fun. Basic plot: Loser guy leaves gorgeous and talented pregnant fiance at the altar on their wedding day. Five years later, he's still a loser. He sees her and their son regularly, but she's moved on . . . to a successful hedge fund manager who runs marathons for charities. The next marathon is a month away. Naturally, loser guy decides that to win back the girl, he has to run in the marathon. Let me tell you from my husband's experience. You cannot train for a marathon in three weeks. No way. I thought that was going to be a huge issue. But, trust me, when you see how he runs the marathon, his training regimen is not a problem.

It's a cliched happy ending, he finishes the race - kind of - and the hedge fund guy turns out to be a jerk. They don't 100% tell you that he and the girl get back together, but it certainly seems to be heading that direction.

What makes this movie really worth watching are very good comedic performances from Simon Pegg, Hank Azaria and Dylan Moran. If you're looking for something fun and light to rent, this is a perfect choice.

The other movie we rented was Blood Diamond. Somehow I don't think it will be as much fun.


  1. I've been looking out for a post about last week's Office episode. Did neither of you think it was as great as I did??

    (Sorry to hijack the fatboy thread.)

    PS: Miss you!!!

  2. Ask and ye shall receive. Feel free to hijack threads when important things are being neglected.

    P.S. Miss you too! Hope things are well in the big city.
