Friday, June 26, 2009

Book - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I'm re-reading "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" in preparation for the movie. I'm back in the same mind-set I always get into when I watch the movies and read the HP books: it really sucks being a Muggle. Frown. That is all.

BTW: If you want to critique me for re-reading and re-watching so many different things, save yourself the time. Time spent gladly is never time wasted.


  1. Amen on rewatching/rereading. If you know you love it, why not love it again!? :o)

    Also, there was a post on that said, "Today, I turned 11. I didn't get a letter from Hogwarts. MLIA." I think we all feel sad that we didn't get a letter when we turned 11.

  2. hahah i love re-reading/re-watching!! i had totally forgotten i need to add that to my (fun) to-do list before the movie comes out--thanks for the reminder! :)
