Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Film - Girls Just Want to Have Fun Remake

I don't know whether to be very happy or very sad about this news. "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" is a masterpiece. I strongly encourage you to watch the original before you see this remake (whenever it gets made). As for the Miley Cyrus casting rumors? I think it could be a good thing! She reminds me of a young Sarah Jessica, actually...

Funny story for you who chose to "Read More." I once agreed to eat a piece of rhubarb pie (which I hated) in return for having the rest of my male roommates (Bob, Tom, and Greg) watch GJWTHF with me. Good times. .

1 comment:

  1. I mentioned this to some family members recently. They were appalled. I was never huge into this movie as a kid, but I can see where it is problematic. It's like remaking Goonies, or something.

    I hope I didn't just give someone an idea to remake Goonies. If I did, DON'T DO IT.
