Sunday, July 12, 2009

Internet Video - A Very Potter Musical

So, I don't think this technically counts as film, but I'm going to sneak it on to this blog anyway. A Very Potter Musical is a musical parody of Harry Potter which was written, produced and performed by students at the University of Michigan (which is this blog's alma mater three times over, in case you didn't know).

The composer and star, Darren Criss, is a musician that my husband saw perform at Potbelly's in Ann Arbor, and really liked. He does mostly covers, like this, or this, or this but based on A Very Potter Musical, he's clearly got some composing chops as well. I believe he is a music major at U of M - though I don't know in what specific area.

Anyway, I wish I had been there to see them perform A Very Potter Musical in person. We didn't even hear about it before we moved in May, and it was performed in June, so we must have been totally out of the loop. Anyway, the video is uploaded to YouTube in 23 parts. Don't be intimidated. I know that's a lot of video to watch on your computer, but stick with it through the end because it is totally worth it. Dustin isn't even a Harry Potter fan or a musical theatre junkie, and I think he even liked it more than I did. Highlights - Draco Malfoy, Voldemort and Quirrel, and the inexplicable focus on Zac Efron.

ETA: It wasn't performed in June. It was performed in April. We were totally there, just completely missed it.


  1. Yay I finally watched the whole thing. Very funny and fun! I loved the Voldemort / Quirrell relationship.

    Definitely there were some songs in there that were totally awesome.

    I wish there was better sound quality, and that some of the singers were a little bit stronger, but it was still definitely worth the 23 you tube clicks.

  2. Oh man. I really wanted a much higher level of enthusiasm. I was hoping for all caps and multiple exclamation points. ::sigh::


    Seriously, I hope there's as talented as a bunch out there that could tackle a BSG fan musical, too!

  4. That's more like it. Thank you.

    A BSG musical would kill me ded.


    That's a link to a radio piece Jennifer Guerra did on the musical for Michigan Radio. Turns out a soundtrack will be available for free soon.

    I wonder how the band "Harry and the Potters" has avoided copyright issues?

  6. Hey Metta,

    On the advice of you and Dustin, I watched the musical on youtube...and was instantly hooked. So hilarious. Thanks for bringing that to attention, it was thoroughly worth it. I still have the songs stuck in my head...


  7. Awesome, Drew. Glad you enjoyed it. Seriously, it's been the only bright spot during the misery of these last couple weeks studying for the bar. If I maintain my sanity and pass, I owe them some baked goods of some kind.

  8. It was totally awesome.

    Good luck on the bar, I just got done studying for about 6 weeks straight for my Step 1 exam, so I kinda know how you feel...stuff like that musical is great for sanity maintenance. :)

  9. Totally loved the musical.. I saw it before they took it down and edited out the adult material. I think it was better left unedited but oh well it's still totally awesome. Can't wait for the soundtrack which I am listening to now at but can't download...
