First things first, I thought Tuesday night's Michael Jackson show went incredibly well. There were no huge messy bombs, and even the contestants I was ambivalent about really impressed me. I think Lil' Rounds is over-rated, and Alexis and Allison are WAY more interesting artists. Kris Allen was originally my bet for who was going to be voted off this week, but his performance was great! Very Jason Mraz (and I said that to my husband even before Randy uttered the same comparison). Michael Sarver was my second bet for who was going to get the boot, but his performance was miles beyond what he did so many weeks ago with "I Don't Want To Be." I settled my bet on Jasmine going home, and was right. She did the crummiest of the night and Jorge did the creepiest and sleepiest. So no love lost there.
Do you not know what I'm talking about with my betting? It's for the EW prediction challenge. Join the fun HERE!
Danny Gokey can definitely sing, but that boy is still hokey.
Adam Lambert: I love you. I think this guy is amazing. In fact, I youtubed his "Black and White" performance the next morning because I couldn't get his delightful over-pronunciation of "quality" out of my head. I'm predicting (like Paula) a Gokey / Gay finale.
As for the huge-mega-voting-rule-change-up? Who cares? One time the judges will disagree with America's voting and save a singer. The next week two contestants will go. Looking at the dial-idol predictor, it could very well be Allison who is in the bottom and that would be VERY undeserving. Hopefully she will benefit from this not-so-big ruling change.
(Dialidol had her as the SECOND LOWEST vote-getter! The shame! AND they had Anoop as completely safe, regardless of the angst the judges and Ryan made his suffer).
I am just confirming that she totally busted out the Jason Mraz comparison during the song.