Wednesday, September 23, 2009

TV - The Emmys

Remember last year's Emmys? Oh the horror. A gaggle of uncooperative and uncomfortable reality TV hosts took the stage and "improved" an intro that made everyone shudder.

Thank goodness the Television Overlords recognized the splendor that is Neil Patrick Harris, and thank goodness NPH had the good sense to demand being a producer for the show as well, so that there was some hope in it being run efficiently while also being entertaining. I think he was successful. Read on for more.

In general I thought the show was good, the winners were boring. None of my favorites won in the acting categories, nor did any of my second favorites with the exception of Kristen Chenoweth, who I still love and think is great and looked amazing, although I though Wiig or Poehler probably deserved the nod after an actually amazing year of SNL.

Grouping the awards in genre was a neat idea, by which I mean that it was tidy and easy to follow. However, that kind of lead to a real boring middle section of who-gives-a-care about Amazing Race, Little Dorrit, or Gray Gardens.

But the real story here is NPH. I loved how dapper he was, that he's a song-and-dance man, that he cared enough and showed that he cared by staying on stage. I cannot believe that he didn't win his Emmy! That was the biggest crock-of-hoohah especially considering who he lost to. Anyway, I loved the Dr. Horrible bit and the blunt discussion that broadcast television is fading into the background as the world expands into On-Demand and Internet viewing.

Wait, maybe that's the real story: the television world is certainly in a crazy shifting, expanding state. The way ratings are determined and valued is in flux as DVR viewings have to count almost as much as live-viewing, let alone factoring in Hulu or iTunes downloads. America isn't all sitting down on the couch at the same minute to have a shared experience anymore, and valuing commercials that air along with live programming is sooo 20th century. To quote presenter and nominee Julia Louis-Dreyfus, perhaps this is the "last official year of network broadcast television" ... but probably not. : )


  1. Speaking of Julia Louis-Dreyfus. She gets hotter and hotter every year. She looked STUNNING at the Emmys.

    I agree about the overall feel of the show. I just kind of didn't care about the winners. My favorite shows and actors weren't even nominated.

    I however have absolutely no reservations about being thrilled that Kristin Chenowith won. Kristen Wiig and Amy Poehler are both awesome, but Kristen Chenowith was perfect. Poehler was gone for half of last season and for just about every gut busting character Wiig does on SNL, she's got an equally obnoxious one.

    I've had enough of 30 Rock winning everything, too. The show is hysterical. Very funny. And groundbreaking. But I've had enough. There are other funnier and better shows on the air and we've told 30 Rock enough times how often it is.

  2. how great it is, not how often it is.
