Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Film - Best Theme-Setting Scores

The other day I heard the theme song to "The Lord of the Rings" (remember? "Eeeeee-Aahhhhhh eh-ah-eh-ah-eeeee-ahhhh." There, that should help), and I got to thinking about what an incredibly powerful piece of music that is. I turned to my husband, Greg, and said "I think that LOTR has the best theme-setting score. Whenever I hear that music I am automatically scared, excited, nervous, and on-the-edge of my seat," which I think are the perfect emotions to be experiencing when following Frodo on his quest.

Greg said, "I think you mean besides Darth Vadar's theme in the Star Wars movies" and he has a point there (dah dah dah dum-da-dum, dum-da-dum). That music tells you to "Hello! Evil on it's way!," but in a playful manner, perfectly in keeping with the original three films. (While watching Episodes 1 - 3 you should be experiencing some gagging and eye-rolling emotions).

I'm going to stick with my original premise that for me, for you, for me, LOTR has the best theme-setting score. What are your thoughts? Leave a comment.


  1. Some that come to mind:
    The Godfather
    Requiem For A Dream
    Most of Bernard Hermann's collaborations with Hitchcock (Vertigo and North By Northwest are the two that spring to mind right away)
    Back To The Future

    I also just got done watching Paris, Texas. And wow, the score was amazing in that as well.

  2. Good one with "The Godfather" although you didn't list out a helpful phonetic parenthetical so I had to iTunes it real quick. : ) All I could hear was a trumpet doing the LOTR theme that I've permanently ingrained in my head.

  3. Okay, maybe this is going to come across uber-lame, but I think the score to Pirates of the Carribbean is awesome. I know it isn't iconic like Godfather or Star Wars, but for me, whenever I hear that music, I want to start swordfighting, or leap from a crow's nest with a knife in my hand and stick it into the sail and then slide down.

    I'm not saying it's my favorite score, but in terms of getting me in the right frame of mind for the movie, it definitely gets my vote.

    And, for Jenna, it's the one that goes "DUN! DUN! Dun, dun, dun, da-dun!"
