Thursday, May 7, 2009

TV - American Idol 5/6

The results are in and Alison is out.  This is truly a bummer.  American should have put the Go in Gokey, or at least sent Kris home for his weak vocals and lack of energy this week.   I could go on and on about my intense distaste for the Gokster, but let me just highlight these two points: he literally pushes his competitors out of the way during group performances to get into the camera shot.   Furthermore, although he "humbly" admitted to botching his final note in Dream On, he took a good five minutes explaining just how humble he is, interrupting Ryan multiple times. 

We also got to witness three "live" performances during the results show from non-contestants.  Paula sang her newest dance single, and I have to quote Stephen Colbert (he was referring to the music of Kanye West)... why buy her album?  You can basically hear it for free!  Just put a tin can to your ear and lean against a Pac-Man machine!  Daughtery was not my style.  

And although this is a pretty whiny post, I must continue with a final gripe: the No Doubt performance of "I'm Just a Girl".   Man did I love my Tragic Kingdom CD... I listened to it until it skipped around every scratched track.   All I can really say is that my heart broke as I listened to Gwen's new, no singing more like vibrating-rapping version of this gurl anthem.  Sad day. 


  1. Obviously, ditto on Hokey Gokes. He's useless. Also, I've got a theory that it is Obama's fault that we have three white males in the top three. Voters have this post-racial America mindset like, "Oh, we've got a black president, so everything must be equal now. No need to be concerned about any type of diversity anymore." This is only partly tongue-in-cheek.

    Paula Abdul's performance was just embarrassing. I only watched about the first half of it before I had to FF. It was like watching Curb Your Enthusiasm. I was cringing because I was embarrassed on her behalf. I'm shuddering right now, just remembering it.

    I actually enjoyed Daughtry. I liked him a lot when he was on the show. I probably would like his CD, but I don't really buy much music these days. He is a little bit of a cocky SOB, but I like the music.

    And No Doubt. Well, I've never liked them live, because Gwen can't really sing that well live, but they were actually way better than I thought they would be. I mean, I had already resigned myself to her lack of singing ability, so all I could hope for was wackiness and high energy, and they delivered on that. This is in no way saying that I liked it or thought it was a good performance, just that I was prepared for her lack of vocals.

  2. oh what fun! i didn't know you had this blog :) i will definitely enjoy reading it, though i have no clue as to what's going on in the entertainment world right now, with my head buried in school :(

  3. Glad you're reading! My entertainment media consumption has definitely gone down during law school, but I anticipate a very entertainment heavy summer. :o) So, there will be lots to blog about.
